Automating for Efficient Growth

Trophy Point Investment

's Success Story

Trophy Point Investment Group is a private lender based out of Atlanta, GA, working with military or military-affiliated borrowers across the US. What started as a side business for the Trophy Point partners is now a successful nationwide operation. And integrating Mortgage Automator into their lending processes was one of the pivotal points to their success. In the beginning stages, Trophy Point was doing one-off loans, handling all operations manually: tracking loans in spreadsheets, creating documents, processing payments, and more. As the volume began to grow, so did the processing time. The team decided to head to a Geraci conference and learn from other lenders how to lower the cost of capital and formalize their operations.

The search for the right lending software

Earlier, Trophy Point met with a couple of software providers only to find that these companies had no lending experience and could not advise on the best setup options, the software looked extremely outdated and inflexible, or the startup costs were prohibitive. When Trophy Point saw the Mortgage Automator demo at the conference, they knew this was the product for them, as it was affordable, efficient, and scalable. The team knew that the platform would complement their growth.

Nicholas Cosmas, Co-Founder and COO at Trophy Point, told us they initially had reservations about paying for the software, as their monetary cost of processing loans was non-existent. However, the time cost was extremely high. Once the lenders made the leap and decided the software was worth the investment to save them hundreds of hours per week, they realized it was definitely a good idea.

“I went from haphazardly drafting every loan document manually, developing payment schedules, and using canned borrower communications to really streamlining these processes with Mortgage Automator. With a click of a button, I can generate a loan document and send email confirmations that the applications were received. Previously, I manually took data from our borrower applications and inputted it into our Excel files and other documents. Now, all the relevant data goes into the database in Mortgage Automator, which is then added to every relevant document that is needed.”
Nicholas Cosmas
Nicholas Cosmas
Co-Founder and COO, Trophy Point Investment

Onboarding & growing

The team at Trophy Point found the onboarding process to be very helpful. As they were setting up their company on the platform, they had to answer questions that made them realize that there were many important things they weren’t doing. The setup process helped formalize their operations and turn it from a hobby into a real business.

In the past, when meeting with investors, Trophy Point would show their spreadsheets, which worked fine at the time. However, once they had their operations running on the Mortgage Automator system, they noticed the difference it made.

“Showing them a real system that looks spiffy, is responsive, easy to search, it does wonders for building credibility with investors”, Nicholas told us. “One feature that our investors love is the map feature that allows them to see all the deals we have in progress, funded, or paid off in a geographic spread. For us, it is really helpful because we lend in about 20 states, so you can see little dots of different colors showing where we’ve lent. People love seeing that; it shows them that we really are a legitimate company and we’re doing real business across the country.”

Before adopting the software, the team at Trophy Point could only manage up to 30 deals at a time, operating to the point of exhaustion. Using Mortgage Automator, they only have to deal with a tenth of their previous workload. They can now allocate more time to the other parts of the business, including raising more capital and growing exponentially.

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